Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18- The Waiting Continues....

So, I STILL haven't received my package with my Visa information in it yet. I'm a bit nervous, just because it's only about a week and a half until I leave for the states. I got an email today from Kristen saying that they were waiting for some last minute information apparently and it's in the mail so I should have it by this coming week. It kind of scares me a bit because I'm moving out of my condo this weekend, but at least my roommate will be there, so hopefully she'll be able to let me know when it comes....

Tonight was also my last night at work. It wasn't the dream shift I had imagined or anything because we have this huge volleyball tournament in-house right now and there are a bunch of "like 17 year old like girls, ya know?!" and they are all very....different than me to put it nicely lol But all in all it wasn't too bad. It's going to be hard walking out those doors for the last time, and knowing I won't see the faces of my regular guests who I see every week, but I have everyones email addresses and mailing addresses and so on so there will be lots of postcards and emails I'm sure! ha ha

Less than 3 weeks until I start at Disney and less than 2 weeks until I leave...I can't believe it's come so fast already....It seems like yesterday I was in Toronto fretting over my interview and now it's 2 months later already...Who knew life could change at the drop of a hat?!

Until I get my package......

Saturday, April 5, 2008

March 29 - Passport Day!

So, I just go my notice in the mail saying that I have a package in the mail....Being my passport! I'm so excited! It didn't even take 2 weeks! I was a bit nervous that I left it to the last minute, but everything is working out marvelously. Now all I'm waiting for is my Disney package and I'll be all set and ready to go! One of the girls that is going down the same time I am has gotten hers already, so hopefully mine will be in the mail soon. I'm not sure if it's coming by regular mail, or if it's one of these things that you have to go to the post office and pick it up. Either way.....I want it now! haha It's hard to be patient when it's all you can think about! The package consists of the Q1-Visa, information on things that I should take with me, and the Disney Dress for Success (or some name like it) book to get me all jazzed up. I can't wait to read through it!
Talking to everyone online has been a lot of fun as well. I know of a couple other girls that are going down the same time I am so we have been chatting a bit a such, so it's kind of a nice feeling to know someone before you head out
Until next time.....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 23 - Acknowleging the Dream

So, today was another great day in the journey towards working at Walt Disney World. Kristen from Yummy Jobs sent me an acknowedgement form stating when I start and end my time in Orlando (I don't even want to think about the end....Oi Vey!), which department I will be working in (F&B...Very nervous about that, but that story comes later), and just some rules and regulation about bringing your passport, resposibility of looking prim and proper and so forth. It also had the website for me to go to for the Program Assessment Fee and to sign up for that. I decided to pay it now rather than to have to worry about it when I get there. I am hoping to get most expenses taken care of before I go so I really only have to worry about the first week's rent and groceries and such things like that. Everyone is saying to take different amounts, but I think I'll probably have around $800 to take with me. That will leave a bit in my Canadian account for my OSAP and stuff to come out of there....
Anyways, so that's all settled now, so I only have to wait for my package to come in the mail, which should be within the next few weeks (hopefully not when I'm up north because that would kind of suck). I'll have to get my license changed back to dad's address so all my mail can go there instead of Jenn and I's apartment..I definitely don't want to miss something like that in the mail.
I'm getting really nervous about going. I have a lot of people asking me if I am having or have had second thoughts, and I have thought about it, but I know this is the right thing for me to do right now and it's a once in a lifetime opportunity that I just don't want to pass up. I will miss my friends and family and the people I work with so much but it just gives me something to look forward to when I come home. Plus there are always pictures and letters and phone call and emails to look forward to over the year, so I know I'll be fine!
The only thing that really gets me nervous is that I'm working in F&B and I really have no formal training in that at all. I have helped out in the Banquet departments in Edmonton and here in Kitchener before but never have I ever had to actually hold a tray and do stuff and that makes me the most nervous. I don't want to spill anything on anyone and even thought they would have a stain on their shirt to remember the "crazy lady at that Canadian pavilion" by, it's just really not my cup of tea. Plus when I have visitors, I want to be able to show off to them and stuff so I'm hoping I catch on rather quickly ha ha ha But like they say...Practice makes perfect!
Until my next bit of news comes.....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

March 16 - Yummy!

So, Yummy Jobs has now taken over for Cast-A-Way, so Eric is no longer our point of contact. He forgot to send my background check to yummy, so I sent it today. They sent a great email about the transition and who are where everyone is located. There is an office in Michigan right on the border, and one in England. I have been dealing with a woman named Kristen and she couldn't be any more helpful. She gave me a call today just confirming everything and letting me know that I should be receiving my "welcome" package within the next 3 weeks or so. I'm not quite sure what that all entails, but I have been waiting by the mailbox! It seems like I am getting more and more information, but it's last minute and I want to be really prepared when I go. Sometimes I think that I think about it too much, and then the next minute I have no idea what I'm doing. The WDWIP website has really been helping me with a lot of questions. Castmembers both past and present have been answering questions and it's been great! I have met a lot of great people as well so it's a great tool for everyone to use!
So on to another waiting game...Getting all the paperwork figured out...But only 39 more days :)

February 15, Waiting Game Over!

I was in reservation training and all of a sudden, my pocket started vibrating. I saw that it was a Quebec number and I had been getting a lot of solicitation calls from a church, but they left a message. I immediately went to my voicemail and it was a message from Eric saying that an F&B position had opened up! I couldn't believe it! I went from being on a low (waiting on the waiting list) to being the happiest person in the world. My start date is May 6, for a year coming back on May 1, 2009. I can't believe it! I have wanted this since I was 5 years old, and my dream is actually coming true! There are so many details that I need to go over and everything, but I'm super excited about what the next few months are going to bring.....
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

February 11th, Comme Ci, Comme Ca

So I get an email from Eric from Cast-A-Way saying congratulations and that I had been offered an Attractions position and that I needed to call him right away. Of course, I'm right on the phone! He said he couldn't find my bill of offer and to give him an hour and call him back. I waited (impatiently) by the phone and I think I called right on that hour mark.
Turns out he got me and another Lindsay mixed up, and that I was actually on the waiting list. I immediately started crying, but he assured me that I was literally at the top of the list and that the next position that opened up was mine. I asked him the likelyhood of people cancelling and such and he said it happend all the time...I can't imagine doing that, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.....He said it could be anywhere from a week to 9 months before I hear anything...Let's hope it doesn't take that long.....

February 2, The Interview

So, I got to Toronto on the 1st because we are having one heck of a snow storm and I didn't want to miss my interview, so I spent the whole night tossing and turning about what the next day would bring.
The girls from work had flowers sent to my room (thanks Jenn, Jenna, Chrissy, and Amy!) so that made me feel right at home, knowing that everyone was behind me. I was getting texts like crazy from people wishing me luck and such.
Saturday rolls around and I get to the interview room about 45 minutes early. This gave me time to meet some other candidates and fill out all the paperwork and such.
We met Eric from Cast-A-Way, then Rodger and Sue from Disney itself. The presentation had everything from what we'll be wearing to the rate of pay, discounts, and where we will be living. It just hit me...I'm applying at the most magical place in the world! I can't believe I'm here!
My interview wasn't until 3:30pm, so I went back to the hotel and Steve came to help calm me down (thanks hunny) because I was all full of nerves. I get back to the Grand Hotel, and I forgot all my papers (I can't believe I did that!) so I rushed back, and luckily made it back on time....I interviewed with Sue (and even got a pin for being last) and I thought it went really well. She asked me questions like what my boss would say about me if they were there, and why I was applying (as if it wasn't obvious). I felt fairly confident that I nailed most of it, and then I told Eric that I work for Delta Hotels and he was saying one of the people that works for him was going to be there in March so I actually ended up getting her a Friends and Family rate there. Always good to make nice with everyone....You never know when you'll need them down the road....
Now it's just a waiting game......................